The New and the Old Come Together

Week four brings about a really neat article and two websites to share.  I can’t wait for you read about what is happening with technology in the ESL world.  Happy reading and feel free to share your comments as well.

This week I focused on one really cool article with two links to visit.  The article is entitled “Language learning startup Lingokids score $4M funding and partners with Oxford University Press.”  The June 20th article discusses how an edtech startup company from Madrid, Spain is reaching out to help kids learn an L2 and has gained support from Oxford University Press.  Currently, the online, interactive lessons are designed for ages 2-6 with English and Chinese options and Spanish soon to come.  The app is available for both Android and iOS platforms and designed to be similar to games and entertainment.  This new partnership between Lingokids and Oxford University Press will help extend language learning from print books to online learning. I think it is neat to see the “old-school” book learning print-based company moving forward while the “new age” online learning virtual-based company is valuing traditional learning.  I previewed the app, and it is very kid-friendly, visually appealing, and intuitive.  Additionally, it uses characters that are similar many popular animations series today.  Lastly, the language activities seem fun yet educational to hone in on the four language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  To check out this app and learn more about it, click here:

Click here to read the article. I also encourage you to check out the entire techcrunch website as it has many interesting tech reads:

By the way, I have not been able to log into Zangu, the app I mentioned last week that teaches kids how conversationally speak a second language in one to two months.   Apparently, it is available to download now, but not available to use until late next week.  So, I will have to keep you posted till then.  If you try it, please feel free to leave feedback on my blog.  Thanks :)

See you next week!


  1. The Lingokids and Oxford University Press partnership is exciting because of the potential they have to create something extremely useful for L2 learners. A lot of companies are going to need to upgrade and 'go digital' in the years to come if they want to thrive. In our world of smart devices technology integration is key in business, learning, education, etc. I will have to go back and check out this Zangu app you have mentioned, sounds interesting!


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