Predictions for Online Language Learning

My last blog for ESL 509 is predictive in nature, which I thought was appropriate for a concluding blog for this topic of ESL and technology.  The article from Business Wire published the last day of June 2017 provides quantifiable foresight into the online language learning trend.  Technavio, a leading global online research and advisory company, conducted research on four online language platforms to gather data about online L2 learning.  The four online L2 vendors included in the research were: Linguatronics, New Oriental Education & Technology, Rosetta Stone, and Sanako.  Technavio found that the top three languages being studied online are: English, Chinese, and German, with English as the top studied language because of its popularity.  Chinese is studied primarily for educational and tourism purposes.  Lastly, German is studied because of the rich job opportunities. In addition to this information gathered, Technavio was able to calculate that online language training can be expected to reach $9.93 billion by the year 2021.  Holy moly - that’s a lot moola!  I guess we can surmise that CALL (computer assisted language learner) is a good investment.

Click here to read the article: Business Wire

Thanks for reading and Happy Summer! 


  1. I found it very interesting that English, Chinese, and German were the top three languages being studied! I would have though Arabic would have be in those top spots due to the growing nature of that culture. However, I did find it interesting on why those languages were being studied and did not realize China was a heavy tourism destination or that Germany had rich job opportunities! I know on a personal level, I am going to Cuba this summer and wanted to practice my Spanish (not that I am fluent by any means, but took five years of it) by using online programs to help me "study". The amount of money being spent online learning training surprised me as well...almost $10 billion!!!! While CALL is a great investment, it goes to show that not many popular programs are created yet as I only heard of Rosetta Stone from your list of programs.

    Very informative and interesting post!

  2. Wow! Exciting stuff! Thanks for walking us through the rationale for why those three languages are being studied. As more resources become more reliable and available, the only thing standing in the way is teachers providing opportunities to utilize those technologies. Maybe some of that money will go toward professional development?

  3. Interesting that English, Chinese and German are the top three languages being studied online. The amount of money being spent on online training slightly worries me as far as job security goes. Online programs are a great way to introduce someone to a language, continue practice outside of the classroom, or help them brush up before a trip or something. I just hope that no one thinks the computers can replace us!


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